To paraphrase Col. Nathan Jessup in A Few Good Men...
"I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom! You weep for Bin Laden and you curse the military. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what we know: That while his death might be tragic to some it saved lives. And while the existance of OUR military may be grotesque and incomprehensible to some, it saves lives!
You don't want to know the truth...because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want us on that wall! You NEED us on that wall!
We use words like honor, code, loyalty, patriotism. We use those words as the backbone of a life defending a nation. You use them as a punch line!
The military has neither the time nor the inclination to explain to those who refuse to comprehend - to the ignorant few who rise and sleep under the blanket of the very freedom they provide, and then dare to question the manner in which it is provided. "
It would be interesting to see the naysayers take up a post and stand a watch- walk a few dozen miles in a desert, humping a 90 lb back pack and dodging bullets, shrapnel and slurs. Sweating, bleeding, dying, losing friends and colleagues. Suffering hardship inspite of the unappreciative liberals and political nit pickers.
Frankly I don't Give A DAMN what they think! Our military is the greatest force for good ever seen on the face of the earth!!!!!!!!