There is a reason it's called the 'good' old days.
I don't even remember her taking it. Dang, I sure wish I had that car back. It ran like a scalded dog. And in the days when seat belts were an option that no one 'opted' for. They are pretty much a nuisance when you are trying to jump out of the car quickly. Don't want to get hung up.
Other 'improvements' that interfere with old time police efficiency: Dinging noises from the dash, cars that don't want to go into gear unless your foot is on the brake, back-up lights that come on when you are in 'stealth' mode, cars that honk when you lock them, doors that ding if you leave them open, and headlights that 'fade off' when you need instant darkness. The things car makers add to make their cars idiot proof are the things that call attention when you don't want people to know you are there. Not a good thing. And don't even get me started on the size of back seats now. YOU try stuffing a two hundred pound drunk into backseat of one of these new itsy bitsy cars.
In fact I'm sick and tired of any mechanical device whose job it is to do my bidding is now trying to boss me around. I hate washing machines that refuse to open their lid if I need to add an item to a load in progress. They might use less water but you have to run truly dirty clothes twice to get them even close to as clean as an old water guzzler could do in one try. Toilets are stingy with water too, but how is that efficient if you have to double flush for, well, I'll leave that to your imagination...Snotty refrigerators that scold with warning bells if the door stays open longer than it has decided is necessary. I guess it thinks you should actually know what you want before you open the door. No always an option in my house. And now the damn TV can go into screen saver mode because I left it on one channel so long it's decided I'm sleeping or left the room. Hello....... some of us watch FOX NEWS CHANNEL for more than an hour. At least people who have an attention span of more than 10 minutes.
I'm loving Al Gore getting his theory on global warming shoved up his Al Jazeera arse. What with the entire chicken little Antarctic Expedition ice-locked during their trip to study the melting polar ice. I hope all those 'drowning' polar bears eat THEM for lunch.
And, while I'm on a rant against new technology, how about these new light bulbs? I don't want to pay $2.50 for a .30 bulb. Especially one that has a color that hurts my midnight shifters eyes and if you happen to break it you need a hazmat team in full protective gear to clean up the 'mercury' spill. And who in heaven's name decided fuses in two dollar string of Christmas lights was a good idea? It's easier to throw the string away and get another one than fiddle with those little stuck closed slidy things in the plug, and that's only if you can find the microscopic fuse in the first place. Then, if you get it in and test the string, it does not work anyway.
My Garmin in the wagon queen family truckster insists I need a new version because it's over a year old. Duh, I don't think the highways have been changed all that much to find a route from here to there. And besides, half the time it tries to send me the wrong way down a one way street. It never chooses the same route twice. And I think the bitch that did the voice that talks started out with an attitude because she's always snotty when she tells me I missed a turn.
I tried switching her for the British guy but he can't pronounce anything right. At least when he says it, it sounds sexy. Thank heaven for the mute option.
Now, if I could just mute the washer, dryer, fridge, my whiny dog, iPhone, and the people who ignore the fact that I'm on the 'no call list'..................