I remember the time my lieutenant assigned me to start enforcing the new STOP signs located in an exclusive shopping area. They guarded a heavily used crosswalk.
The merchants association had been hounding the commission for ages, wanting those signs.
The signs had been up for a month, they held back on enforcing them so people could get used to them being there.
So, that day, I head out there, stop at the French Bakery and get a cup of coffee and a croissant roll.
I set up in front of the an Italian restaurant about a half block away (clearly visable) and get all comfy. I no more than got a sip and a nip when a big Cadillac zooms thru the intersection. Thank heaven for plastic lids!
I get her pulled over in front of a jewelry store (one that could give Tiffany's a run for their money).
I walk up to her window and she's all decked out in her la-de-da designer outfit, perfect hair, jewelery up the ying yang. I announce her violation and make the usual request for her DL, registration and proof of insurance.

As she produces the paper work she says in her prissy entitled attitude, "you can't write me a ticket,
I was on the committee that got those signs installed!"
"I'll be right back m'am". I go back to my car and run her stuff.
I am sure she assumed I was checking with the mother ship to verify her special dispensation - and the brass would say I should let her go. I finish and return to her window.
"Your're right m'am, I won't be writing you 'A' ticket..."
She begins to smirk, content in her superiority........................
"I'll be writing you two. Your tag is expired".
Heeh, Heeh, heeh, I loved that job!
Besides, it's not good to make my coffee get cold!
BTW please note, I had a croissant not a donut!